Principal’s Welcome Message
Dear parents and carers,
I am delighted to extend a warm welcome to our new students and their families. Your enrolment marks the beginning of what I believe will be a fulfilling and successful educational journey.
Founded in February 1965, our school, named after the Miller family, pioneers of vineyard cultivation in the area, holds a rich history. The original school shield, featuring a book and a bunch of grapes, symbolizes the cultivation of mind and character in 'Promoting Growth and Development' - ‘Per Culturam’, our school’s vision. In 1990, Miller High School achieved Technology High School status, incorporating a satellite dish to signify communication in our evolving world.
Our diverse community, with a student population of about 780, includes 85% of students from Language Backgrounds Other than English (LBOTE) and 9% Aboriginal students. The school continues to evolve with an Intensive English Centre (IEC) and a Support Faculty catering to the diverse learning needs of our students.
Miller Technology High School is proud of it’s strong reputation as an outstanding school with strong links to our community. This is reflected by the quality of our curricular and extra-curricular activities on offer, and the wonderful achievements of our students and staff.
We are committed to delivering quality education to develop the academic capability and individual talents, interests and abilities of our students. Learning is enriched through exceptionally active sporting, debating, creative and performing arts programs that provide opportunities for students to achieve personal excellence.
Our school is served by highly qualified, enthusiastic and dedicated staff whose professional expertise provides our students with the knowledge and skills necessary to become active 21st-century learners and global citizens.
As a community school, your child will benefit from strong tertiary links and school to work programs with TAFE. These connections assist in providing your child with pathways for the best possible post-schooling career opportunities.
Our school's philosophy is based on our core values - Respect, Inspire, Safe and Excel (RISE). Our student Wellbeing programs encourage students to celebrate their differences, develop resilience and confidence and to creatively work together to solve their problems.
We believe that our Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) program sets high expectations for student behaviour, enables students to achieve their full academic potential and nurtures their personal and social skills as they grow into responsible, articulate, well-adjusted, caring and successful young adults.
Student voice is a powerful catalyst for positive change within our school. By actively involving our students in the decision-making processes through our Student Representative Council and Prefect body, we not only instill in them a sense of responsibility but also empower them to become lifelong learners and leaders. When students have a say in matters that affect their daily lives, they develop a sense of ownership, accountability, and pride in their educational journey.
I am very proud to be leading Miller Technology High School. Your child will benefit from learning in an outstanding school environment that celebrates and rewards personal success and enables students to achieve their very best.
By engaging with the 2024 Student Handbook, students gain a deeper understanding of their learning environment, enabling them to navigate their educational journey with confidence and awareness. Stay connected with the school community through various channels such as the "Miller Messenger" newsletter, the school webpage, the School Stream App, and our Facebook page.
I look forward to a successful partnership with all our families as we educate and empower the children in our care to lead happy and successful lives.
Warm regards,
Dr Ken Edge